Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hunger in San Diego Persuasive Speech

1 | Page . Attention Step . When will you eat next? Will you be eating dinner tonight? . Need Step . Today, there are over 446,000 people that are going hungry in San Diego County. http://sandiegofoodbank. org/hunger-in-san-diego/ . A story of a fellow San Diegan and her family who are also having hunger problems. 1. Alejandra in her late 20s moved in with her sister Marisol, her husband, and her three kids to help take care of them. 2. Marisol worked days and Alejandra nights so there was always someone to take care of the kids. 3.Marisol’s husband lost his job as construction worker, Marisol was laid off from hers as a housekeeper at a Holiday Inn, and then Alejandra lost her restaurant job. 4. It became hard for them to find work, but eventually Marisol’s husband found few jobs as a handyman and Marisol worked cleaning a few houses. 5. Barely got by, and it was hard for them. 6. Cupboards were generally empty except for a little of rice and beans. 7. Main concern was children, so adults would often eat little or nothing at all so the kids would have enough. . Eventually got support from church and then San Diego Food Bank. †¢ Here is a picture of Alejandra picking up food at the San Diego Food Bank. That is a real story about a real hunger problem. http://sandiegofoodbank. org/newstypes/client-profiles/ 2. Feedingamericasd. org says that: †¢ 1 out of 4 children in San Diego don't know where their next meal is coming from†¦ †¢ Scientific evidence suggests that hungry children are less likely to become productive citizens. A child who is unequipped to learn because of hunger and poverty is more likely to be poor as an adult. . You see†¦. our bodies are like engines, engines need fuel, we need food, and both are required to move forward. 2. So next this quote is from sandiegohungercoalition. org, Ken Hecht, executive director of California food policy advocate says that: â€Å"Given the extent of food insecurity in San Di ego County and across the country, we must not undermine critical efforts to protect families against hunger, and improve health through good nutrition,† You know†¦.. we must all realize that hunger can happen to any of us, all it takes is: †¢ Losing our job †¢ Having a health crisis †¢ Or any other unusual emergency expense. Such as a major car repair. ?And†¦ We must all be aware†¦That it’s important that San Diego County has food bank agencies to provide support to people who are low income or have sudden crises. . Satisfaction Step . We†¦.. Should look for opportunities†¦ to support the San Diego Food Bank. . There are many ways to support the Food Bank, we can†¦ †¢ Donate food items Support them financially †¢ Or we can volunteer. . aThe San Diego Food Bank has been around since 1977 and has been serving ever since because of†¦ People’s food†¦ financial†¦ and voluntary support. . So†¦Y es, this solution will take time out of your day and/or money if you would like to help. But, think of the good you would do by simply donating 10 dollars, taking 3 hours out of your Saturday or Sunday, or even collecting a few cans of food from your neighbors or workplace to just do something good for a local family in need. Visualization Step . So†¦just look around places you go in San Diego, maybe you see a homeless guy asking for money for food, or maybe it’s your next door neighbor who doesn’t have enough to eat, or maybe even a friend who’s hungry but too reluctant to say. †¢ The sad fact is that nearly half a million people in San Diego County don’t have enough to eat. . Imagine that there was a place where all of those hungry people could go to get food. I know of a place, the San Diego Food Bank. . Action Step . Fact is†¦people are hungry†¦. ut the San Diego Food Bank is there to help. . So today, I would like to encourage you to pull out your phones when you leave this classroom today, simply text capital letters â€Å"SD† to 20222, and this will make a 10$ donation to the San Diego Food Bank, just a simple thing, yet that 10 dollars will provide 30 meals for people in need. . This week, I myself am going to make a ten dollar donation and drop off a bag of food to the Food Bank. . If San Diegans work together, we can eliminate hunger in San Diego County.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Drama †Blood Brothers Response Essay

Blood brothers is a story which was written in 1981 as a school play and included a range of themes which help the audience understand and feel for the story rather than just watching it. The themes in this play include poverty, innocence, love, games, belief and superstition. I feel that the key themes that control the play are chance and society of the time and I feel that most of the story circles around these themes and most events are caused by these themes. To emphasize the themes in the play, we created a three minute version of the play which consisted of still images, narration and stylised movement. We decided to split the play into four sections which were: baby years, childhood, 14 – 17 years and 20+ years. We decided that we would show the giving away of the baby as this allows the rest of the story to flow. If it wasn’t for this specific scene, the story wouldn’t have happened as the giving away of one twin is a significant event in the play. This also allowed us to add emotion to our piece as this is one of the several events which separate people into two opinions. For the second section (which was childhood) we included images of them first meeting, playing games, both of the mothers separating Mickey and Eddie and Mrs Johnstone giving the locket to Eddie. My group and I felt that these were also important events in the play; in fact one of the main themes in the play is games which relates to the robbery and overall shooting of both twins later on. For 14 -17 years, we decided to show both children being suspended from school, the meet up between friends with the devil narration on top which we thought allowed our piece to flow making it easier to understand. At the last stage, 20+, we performed four still images which included an unemployment scene, Linda’s pregnancy, Eddie and Linda being together and finally the shooting with the second half of the images having the mad man narration over the top: ‘There’s a mad man running round and round You know the devil’s got your number You know he’s right beside you He’s screamin’ deep inside you And someone said he’s callin’ your number up today Today Today TODAY!’ This piece of narration was used in our three minute version of the play as we thought that it summed up a lot of the happenings in this age group and is a constant theme throughout the play. I found that the best way to tell this story within the three minutes was to use different techniques which allowed expressing and stressing of several moments in a play making it more effective. In our three minute version, this included levels, space and marking the moment. One example of these entire three put together was when both boys got expelled. We had the class sitting down at the back while the teacher was standing up straight looking down on one pupil who was higher than the class but lower than the teacher. This made use of levels, space and also marked the moment by focusing on the locket. We decided to make the giving away of the baby the most significant point in the play. This is because the whole of the story centres on this point, and if it wasn’t for this event, none of the other events would have happened. To mark this moment, we used narration which was originally placed over the point where Mrs Johnstone was only considering giving the baby to Mrs Lyons. ‘How quickly and idea, planted, can Take root and grow into a plan. The thought conceived in this very room Grew as surely as a seed, in a mother’s womb’ This piece of narration allowed us to realise how the event they are seeing came into being. We found that forum theatre was a very useful technique to bring Mickey’s monologue to life. Forum theatre was used to change the way we said lines and how to put expression, feeling and life to the lines which in turn make the monologue a lot more vibrant and interesting. The way we performed forum theatre was to have someone acting out a verse of the poem. We then got the audience to comment and suggest improvements. We then acted the verse out again and repeated the process until we were happy with it. Below is the verse we performed. ‘Y’ know our Sammy, He draws nudey women, Without arms, or legs or even heads In the baths, when he goes swimmin’. But I’m not allowed to go to the baths, Me Mam says I have to wait, ‘Cos I might get drowned, ‘cos I’m only seven, But I’m not, I’m nearly eight.’ We started off with the beginning of the verse being said in a very secretive way although it was put in the category of secret in a child which meant that it had to be told; something I had felt many a time when I was a young child which also meant my body was slightly crouched and slightly tense. I used the same experience to ‘goggle’ at what Sammy was able to do when he went swimming. Then disappointment kicks in when I hit ‘But I’m not allowed†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ as my voice goes slower and my body slumps and when the mother comes on I re-enact a rather rude hand motion usually used when someone is too talkative while the mother reads her quote. The last line is said in a way of self-pity making the character feel sorry for himself which I have felt many times when I was a young child and feeling as if my parents were deriving me of all of the world’s pleasures. In this monologue I learnt that Mickey was a character who always wanted more and wanted something someone else had that he hadn’t which is an apparent characteristic of Mickey throughout the play. It also helped me realise that it was more than just a greedy feeling as the feeling was a lot deeper and it was if the world had forgotten about him but not the others who lived in the world around him. As I said before, forum theatre had helped me find these characteristics as it helped shape what had been written. It was as if there were a lot of muddled thoughts and both me and the audience were helping to piece it together properly so we could both get an idea on how the character was really like and how the character really felt. For individual spontaneous improvisation, I acted as Mrs Johnstone where I was looking at both babies and playing with them as if it were my last time with both of them. Of course, at the time my character would have not known which baby would have been taken and because of this, I acted in a way as if it were the last time for Mrs Johnstone to see both of them. My thought track for this piece was: ‘I can’t believe this is happening’ and it would have been hard to come to terms with something which could potentially change somebody’s life, especially when it is your own son. This decision was both challenged and supported by a technique called a conscience corridor which we used to find the pros and cons of giving the baby away which was then fired to somebody stepping into the shoes of Mrs Johnstone. Feeling the confused and mixed feelings, it gave us a chance to make our own decision as if we were that character. Some pros included having money, less stress, a better life for your son, less work. Some cons included the guilt of your child being bought, splitting up a natural bond given to both children, more stress as you worry and having to cover it up from the outside world. The conscience corridor was put into action by splitting the class in half and putting them up as two sides to create a human ‘corridor’. We then got a member of our class to walk up while each person in the ‘wall’ said the pros and cons. When the person in the middle finishes walking up through the corridor, he/she tells us his/her decision. In this situation, I wrote a diary entry as Mrs Johnstone. I typed my diary entry up below ‘I can’t believe it is happening. So close to the time where one of my beloved babies would be given away to my employer. I am sure that I am doing the right thing – I can’t afford to give them both a good life and Mrs Lyons does want a baby so badly. Even so, I feel I am breaking a natural bond given to them both which makes me unsure on whether I should do it. I am in a situation which I would never wish on any mother.’ Overall, I found that explorative strategies helped us understand Blood Brothers as it allowed us to see what usually are hidden thoughts and feelings of characters. It also allows us to get into character and realise how events and other actions are performed by the character.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Courage Under Fire

The film â€Å"Courage Under Fire† tackles ethical issues and moral dilemmas. Here an officer during the course of his investigation, searches for the truth in the different accounts regarding a Desert Storm mission while struggling with his own demons. Wildland Fire Leadership Values and Principles espouses three main merits in a leader; Duty, Respect and Integrity. In the film, the characters display such characteristics under different circumstances.Perhaps one of the main principles that can be observed in the film is the choice of the two key characters to choose the difficult right over the easy wrong. Rather than leave their crash site in the middle of night, where darkness will provide them good cover and a good chance to escape safely, Captain Karen Walden did otherwise for the sake of her injured co-pilot. She took into consideration the safety of all the members of her team and tried to save what could be saved. When Monfriez tried to stage a mutiny to push the team to escape, Cpt.Walden asserted herself; demonstrating her prowess as a capable leader, who earlier in the day effectively put to use all their available resources to assemble a make-shift fort to keep them safe and make good use of their ammunition until rescue arrives. As for Colonel Nat Serling, he accepted full responsibility of his actions and their consequences during the attack which took the life of his closest friend. Though there was visible stress after he realized his action, it was brief and he rallied his men to finish the mission.His decisions and his alertness during the event prevented major loss in their part. In the Monfriez’s false account, his description of Capt. Walden was of characters contradictory to those of the values and principles mentioned above. This characterization devoid of notions of integrity, respect and duty produces a person unfit for such a job that required leadership and proficiency. Along with demonstrating the leadership principles and values, the characters also perform actions that they consider fitting in their given situations.To arrive at these actions, they relied on their own capacities rather than waiting for the orders of outside forces; like what Colonel Serling did when he ordered the tanks to turn on their lights to distinguish their own forces from that of the enemies’. Though command was asking him to relay the conditions, he preferred not to focus on the question and proceeded to give orders based on his analysis of the situation. Amidst pressure Capt. Walden stood by her decision, having confidence in her capabilities.Her ability to translate her bravery into actions and also her leadership skills to the men, resorting only to drastic measures when circumstances call for it, display her influence over the people around her. This influence should not be interpreted as something overbearing; the abilities of Walden and Serling to communicate their desires and convince others to do it, suc h as General Hershberg agreeing to extensions and allowing Serling time to explain and Capt. Walden’s command over her troops, are qualities of good and effective leaders.Only when it is abused or used incorrectly does it become overbearing and unbecoming of a good leader. However, the feedback they get as people with position are not the same. A hint of gender bias appears in the film; Walden was the first woman to be awarded a medal already handed to numerous men, such a ruckus was made in the decision to do so stemming from existing ideals that as Eagly et al. states; â€Å"in explicit leadership roles, women tend to be viewed less positively than men (qtd. in Unger 253), and Monfriez weakens Walden’s character by emphasizing on her emotional attributes.While Serling kept on with the mission even though Boylar had died, Walden chose to remain in the site for her injured co-pilot. This might be attributed to differences in leadership due to dispositions but other co ntrasting elements should also be taken into account. While the tank has been confirmed hit, thus its crew dead, Walden’s co-pilot was still alive and as a leader bound by moral duties, Walden chose to stay. Steven Covey in his foreword to Greenleaf, Spears and Covey’s (4) book, wrote that â€Å"†¦the essential quality that sets servant-leaders apart from others is that they live by their conscience- the inward moral sense of what is right and what is wrongâ€Å". Though not directly, the conscience that exists in member-oriented leaders is a factor of moral courage which according to Hildreth (96) â€Å"consists in enduring, through the force of the moral sentiment, those numerous pains which spring from the malevolence of others to whom our conduct gives offence; particularly those pains which we are subject through the sentiment of self-comparison, pains of obloquy, mortification, and disgrace†.Aside from conscience, moral courage is similar to other f acets of ethical leadership such as â€Å"judicious use of incentives, astute ordering of priorities and allocating resources where they count the most† (Greenleaf, Spears and Covey’s 73). Both these values can be observed in the key characters. Courage Under Fire not only showed the bravery of its characters in the field of battle but in the midst of people and their peers as well.It is in this film several embodiments of leadership virtues can be seen and perhaps learned by those who choose to watch this. Courage Under Fire. Dir. Edward Zwick. Perf. Denzel Washington, Meg Ryan, Lou Diamond Phillips, Matt Damon. 1996. DVD. 20th Century Fox, 2000. Greenleaf, Robert K. , Spears, Larry C. , & Stephen R. Covey. Servant leadership: a journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness. 25th ed. New Jersey: Paulist Press.2002. Hildreth, Richard. Theory of Morals: An Inquiry Concerning the Law of Moral Distinctions and the Variations and Contradictions of Ethical Codes . Boston: Published by C. C. Little & J. Brown. 1844. Unger, Rhoda. Handbook of the Psychology of Women and Gender. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. 2004. â€Å"Values and Principles. † fireleadership. gov. 3 June 2009. < http://www. fireleadership. gov/ values_principles. html>

Leadership Analysis of a Public Figure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership Analysis of a Public Figure - Essay Example Let us get a brief overview of his background before discussing his input and role in the advancement of the digital world. Steve Jobs was born in 1955 in California. Paul and Clara Jobs, who belonged to a lower middle class family, brought him up. He grew up in the neighborhood of engineers who used to work with electronic equipments at their homes. This environment helped him shape his interest in the field of electronics. Jobs was a brilliant student at school. He always showed good results and excellent exam performances. He graduated from high school in 1962 and got admission in Reed College, Oregon. However, Jobs had to leave that college because of poor financial status of his parents. In 1976, Jobs along with his friends, Steve Wozniak and Ronal Wayne, invented the first ever Apple computer in the garage of his parents’ house and put it for sale. To develop the computer, he received funds from engineer Mike Markkula, who was the product-marketing manager at Intel. This was just the start for Jobs. Later on, he went on to develop Apple Lisa, Super Bowl television, Macintosh, and a number of other products. He resigned from Apple Inc. in 1985 due to his clash with the Apple’s CEO, John Sculley and founded NeXT Computer straight away with the capital of 7 million dollars. Later on, Apple bought NeXT Computer in 1996 and appointed Jobs as the Interim Chief Executive. In 2000, Jobs became the CEO of Apple Inc. This was the real start of Steve Jobs as a leader. After becoming the CEO of the company, Jobs proved his leadership and management skills and worked hard to achieve domination in the field of digital electronics. Jobs-inspired Apple and NeXT products are considered platforms for a number of today’s amazing innovations (Severance, 2012). Jobs was the man who never stopped working and kept on creating new products even during his bad days. He was an enthusiastic person who always worked with a positive mindset to achieve success (Gr ant & Sharma, 2011). Even when he was fired from Apple inc. in 1986, he did not get upset and kept on working with a new approach. He even said in a speech that leaving Apple Inc. was the best thing which could have happened to him in his life. He did not leave his heart at that time and entered the world of creativity with new aims and heights of motivation. If we analyze the working approach of Jobs at NeXT Computer and Apple Inc., we come to know that Jobs used a combination of autocratic and transformational leadership styles in both companies. As Branson (2011) states, â€Å"Steve Jobs’s leadership style was autocratic; he had a meticulous eye for detail, and surrounded himself with like-minded people to follow his lead†. He was a kind of leader who wanted to take charge of every matter of the company. He was also a transformational leader because he always motivated his employees to show improved efficiency and productivity. As Riggio (2009) states, â€Å"transf ormational leaders have the ability to inspire and motivate followers†. A transformational leader focuses on creativity and innovation (Oke, Munshi, & Walumbwa, 2009). Jobs moved Apple Inc. to the heights of success by focusing on employees and motivating them to prove their potential. It was due to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Impact of Export Subsidy on Demand, Supply and Price Assignment

Impact of Export Subsidy on Demand, Supply and Price - Assignment Example For this reason, therefore, the effects of subsidies on the economy are often separated into short term and long term effects. It is mostly argued that although in the short run these subsidies prove to be a quick remedy for lifting up weak industries and promoting their growth, in the longer run the same tool proves to be detrimental for industries who then become permanently dependant on the state for it. This report attempts to analyze a particular form of subsidy known as an export subsidy in terms of its intended aims and its actual effects on the economic structure. The aim of this report is to analyze the economic impact of an export subsidy in an open economy (Australia in this case). The analysis shall begin with a thorough conceptual analysis of an export subsidy and its nature, followed by its effects on output and price as well as economic welfare and government budget. The report concludes with recommendations for government policy along with potential limitations of thi s economic analysis. 2.0 Export Subsidies Export subsidies have since long been used by governments as part of their policy to enhance export of locally produced goods and dampen the sale of locally produced goods in the local market. ... Also, export subsidy is an alternative to the provision of production subsidy to producers competing with imported goods in the domestic market. Simply put, the export subsidy is a motivation for local producers to increase their supply of exports as opposed to goods for domestic consumption (Carbaugh, 2010). 2.1 Impact of Export Subsidy on Demand, Supply and Price Considering that wine production is a part of the agricultural industry, export subsidies may be imposed by these in order to enhance their exports. Assuming that wine is a homogenous product and that it operates in a homogenous market, the analysis of the Australian government imposing export subsidies is simplified. An export subsidy will cause the domestic production to increase, thereby enhancing exports in turn (World Trade Organization, 2006). The domestic price of wine will rise provided that Australian simultaneously embarks on a policy of banning any re-imports. The greatest assumption here is that the Australian economy (the economy where export subsidy is imposed) is a price-taker (selling homogenous wine); hence, the resulting outcome will not have any influence on the world price of wine. If this assumption was dropped and the Australian economy was assumed to be a â€Å"large† economy in terms of wine, then the resulting economic changes would have driven changes in world output and resulted in inefficiencies as far as international trade is concerned. In that case then, the resulting increase in exports would have driven down world price of wine depending on the share of world wine production that Australia holds with respect to other countries (World Trade Organization, 2006). The simplistic case of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Concerns about Research Methods Course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Concerns about Research Methods Course - Essay Example I have been looking forward to this class on nursing research because of my impetus to generate and propagate the outcomes of this course for the betterment of the health care profession as well as for my own mental and intellectualistic growth. However, I think that I would like a course in nursing research methods better if more nurses came forward to enroll in research courses as that would have increased my interacting and communication skills. Secondly, it would have been appealing if more financial aid from the government was available for research courses. Qualitative research focuses on the principles of phenomenology as well as biological statistical methods and techniques, and I think that a class in nursing research will improve my effectiveness as a nurse. It will also help me in conducting a lot of interviews to study human consciousness, tabulating the results I receive, analyzing numerous case studies and mastering ethnography. I will be studying diverse human cultures and recording the results which will definitely increase my efficiency as a nurse. Inevitably, I will be a more effective nurse once this research course ends. Furthermore, the research course will improve my knowledge of scientific methods used for clinical practice, enhance my ability to recognize the symptoms of diseases and provide effective palliative care (Sirotnik

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Discussion Board - Essay Example r-related theft, internet fraud (in relation to credit card transaction and payment security), as well as operating the business in an environment where risky decision-making is kept to a minimum. To ensure minimal risk, the organization will implement a series of employee-targeted training seminars which will highlight the expectations of the company in relation to its policies on honesty and integrity, with a stern listing of potential disciplinary actions for failure to work in an ethical manner. For instance, these policies and procedures will be well-documented within an employee handbook, which will be distributed to each and every new hire at OASOGB. The costs of producing this handbook are minimal, however the gains received by protecting the organization from theft, or lawsuits pending due to employee grievances for unfair labor policies, will completely satisfy the companys legal obligations to generate policies which clearly define the firms stand on employee integrity. Further associated with risk management will be the companys firm recognition of the competitive environment in which Old American Special Occasion Gift Baskets will attempt to thrive. Having previously identified (in the letter to the investor) that the organization will be undertaking a significant marketing initiative, the organization will conduct a thorough SWOT analysis to identify a series of potential strengths and opportunities available to the start-up firm, while also illustrating potential competitor threats and company-related weaknesses needing additional leadership attention. For instance, in order to maintain a competitive edge, OASOGB must be routinely aware of the marketing activities of other competitive entities and attempt to combat any marketing which appears to be taking our local market share away from OASOGB. This will involve the creation of a marketing analysis division at the company, which will consist of a small team of professionals who are actively

Sunday, August 25, 2019

India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

India - Essay Example The cultural differences can cause serious misunderstanding and hamper the way towards building healthy professional and business relationships. Thus it is highly important that before initiating any cross cultural relationship that the differences are understood and respected. The purpose of this paper is to gain awareness and skills in dealing with global diversity. The objective was achieved by doing research about an international country and interviewing a person from that place. A lot of information was gained about the country's location, its people, culture, economy and lifestyle. The country chosen in this case is India. India occupies a strategic position in Asia. It is the seventh largest country in the world by area and second largest by population. It lies in the Southern part of Asia with Arabian Sea on its West, Bay of Bengal to its East and Indian Ocean in South. The country shares borders with China (north-east), Pakistan (west), Bangladesh (in east), Nepal (north-east), and Sri Lanka (south). The Himalayas with highest mountain peak in the world also line the northern part of India. The two important rivers that originate from Himalayas and flow through India are River Indus and Ganges. The River Ganges is the largest in India and has an important cultural and religious value attached to it. (Kwintessential) India has Culture and Customs India has a rich and diverse culture which has been shaped by its interesting history. Starting from the Indus Valley Civilization to the British Rule, India has been a land to many ancient civilizations each with their unique culture and traditions. This history makes India diverse in terms of religions, languages, cultural practices and customs. The Indian culture consists of strict social hierarchy commonly known as caste system. This caste system which separates people into communities based on their family background, education and income, is deeply rooted in India. In India the family system carries great value with many living as extended families. The extended family system creates a hierarchy of relationships with the most elder member as the head of the family making all important decisions and requires deep respect of elders. That is why the when the young greets an elder person of the society, they touch their feet as a symbol of respect and blessing. (Kwintessential) Also when meeting each other, Indians greet by saying "Namaste" accompanied by slightly bowed gesture with hands pressed together vertically in front of chest. Moreover Arranged marriages are preferred in India with the parents and other family members planning the marriage. Mostly the marriages are planned among the same communities. Indians have g reat concern for their families and relatives and tend to adjust their plans and goals that would satisfy the people around them. They have strong family values and engage in long term relationships with true commitment. Weddings are a grand affair in India lasting for weeks and even months for some families. Birth and death ceremonies are also held with great fervor consisting of various rituals that last for many days.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sustainability and Renewable Technologies Essay

Sustainability and Renewable Technologies - Essay Example Trees use energy tapped from the sun to fix carbon in the wood in a natural way and therefore are sustainable so long as harvesting can be done without depleting the woodland resources. Due to its nature wood fuel is virtually carbon neutral as the carbon dioxide emitted from burning is balanced by the carbon absorbed by growing trees. Wood is also a clean and safe compared to other fossil fuels like oil which are harmful to the environment in case of spills. The wood fuel gas is almost smoke free and its ash content is less than 1% which can be reused for other purposes. It will also benefit the social welfare of the entire community in that use of wood would ensure proper management of woodlands and promote local trade. By creating a ready market for wood fuel many jobs would be created to manage and ensure sustainable practice in managing woodland. The main disadvantage of this technology is that it has higher initial capital cost than conventional heating systems but in the build ing’s life-cycle costs. 2.0 Solar Powered Lighting System Use of photovoltaic cells in the building is one of the ways the company could use renewable energy sources for its operation without leaving a carbon foot print. This is because solar power does not consume natural resources, are readily available and are naturally replenished. 2.1 How it works The building is laced with light sensitive cells called the photovoltaic cells that convert light from the sun into electricity. This electricity is then stored in a battery system that is used to power the lighting system and other appliances within the building. A sketch of the system is attached. 2.2 Advantages Using a solar powered lighting system in which solar power is used to generate the electricity for the building’s lighting ensures energy security by reducing dependency on fossil fuel or the national grid. As a result the company will enjoy price stability as photovoltaic cells are installed only once and have lifespan ranging from 20-30 years. With solar power there are no transmission costs as all the energy produced is consumed unlike other sources where the fuels have to be transported. It is therefore ideal even for places that cannot have access to the grid. Cost wise the solar panels are becoming cheaper and more efficient thus ensuring more value for money. It is also a very quite source of energy which is a great advantage of a service oriented company in which communication is key in its operation and a quiet working environment has a great impact. 2.3 Disadvantages Major disadvantage is the high cost of installation; it also requires a large area for installation. This can however be mitigated by incorporating a building design in which photovoltaic cells are positioned for optimal harvesting. The other disadvantage is that efficiency is dependant on the full exposure of the sun and may affect cloudy days. 3.0 Green Roof The company could consider using a green roof for the bu ilding. This is simply having a design that will ensure the entire roof of the proposed building would be covered in vegetation to form a sort of living roof. 3.1 How it works The roof is covered with vegetation that is grown over a waterproofing membrane. The membrane helps to prevent percolation of water and also root

Friday, August 23, 2019

Giving a Critique of the Usefulness of Spreadsheet Modelling in Essay

Giving a Critique of the Usefulness of Spreadsheet Modelling in Financial Accounting and Reporting - Essay Example Computer spreadsheets are very much beneficial in manipulating large volume of data very easily and in quickly (Moutinho, et al., 1994, p.26-27). Spreadsheets are very much useful in modelling situations in financial accounting and helps in various decision making processes. Uses of Spreadsheets Spreadsheets are argued to be most frequently used by most of the organisations all over the world. There are many tailor-made tools available in spreadsheets which perform specific business processes (Baker, et al., n.d.). There is an increased popularity in the use of spreadsheets in business concerns. It is so because of spreadsheets being an end user computing platform. The information systems department takes long time to complete the analysis and reporting. Moreover, spreadsheets are easy to use powerful software to do business analysis (Fisher, n.d.). Spreadsheets are used by many companies to assist in the management of information related to critical business procedures. It is done t o comply with the rules and regulations of financial accounting and reporting. With the advent of International Financial reporting Standards (IFRS), there is a need for the modifications in the existing system of financial accounting procedures in the organisations. Spreadsheets have thus become an interim option for the organisations before these changes are fully introduced in the accounting applications. Once the spreadsheets are in use in the organisation, the executives feel that the spreadsheets will be replaced by a fully designed new accounting system, very shortly. But in reality, those spreadsheets may be in use in the organisations for a much longer term. Hence it becomes difficult for managers to manage the increasing number of spreadsheets. Moreover, replacing the spreadsheets with the new accounting system can be costly option for the organisations (Baxter, 2006). In the corporate world, spreadsheets are used either for modelling purpose or for operational purpose. Mo delling spreadsheets are mainly used for a particular purpose or activity and are used as complex calculators. Spreadsheets meant for operational use acts as a core programme in business by assisting in daily transactions in business. Operational spreadsheets use all types of data, both static and dynamic and also calculations involving those data. Modelling spreadsheets become redundant once the particular task is done with it. Whereas, operational spreadsheets become an integral part of organisational processes and are in use for long term (Baxter, 2006). Five Categories of Spreadsheet Analysis Base-Case Analysis Most of the spreadsheet analyses are done for measuring the results or outcomes relative to certain base case of comparison. A base case can be either the current policy in use or the scenario which is most likely to occur or the best case or the worst case (Powell & Baker, 2010, p.120). This type of analysis can help in answering questions like what would be the expected profit next year if the current polic

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Group reflective on mental models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Group reflective on mental models - Essay Example The major thesis or argument of the article is based on the Senge’s discussion about mental models. This is a type of reflective essay. The study will evaluate the arguments of the author. Moreover, the study will reflect on the group’s presentation. Reason behind writing the Chapter According to Peter Senge, mental models are intensely ingrained generalizations, assumptions or even pictures of the images that influence the understanding and thought process of the individuals. Organizations generally have several kinds of mental models. In case of non-profit organizations, mental models are generally developed around the role of an organization, people served within an organization and several activities performed by an organization. Peter Senge became familiar with several disciplines of group dynamics and organization theory in graduate school. It is true that several individuals within the organizations have different level of perceptions about the organization. Pete r Senge wrote this chapter to make people understand about unique perception level in the minds of the individuals. Unique perception profoundly influences the lives of people on a specific individual level. According to Peter Senge, mental models generally offer a flawed but useful representation of reality like several architectural models or computer models. The author wrote this chapter in order to educate the people about different aspects of mental models in a business environment. Purpose of the Chapter Major purpose of this chapter is to determine the characteristics and effects of the mental models. Mental model is a type of filter that helps to pass the refined data and information. Generally mental models are restrained and powerful. These are restrained because the individuals are not aware of the effects of these mental models. On the other hand, these mental models are powerful because these help to determine to what the individuals should pay attention. The mental mod els are quite conservative in nature. These models are left unchallenged. These guide us to see a broader picture from the achieved and filtered data and information. However, the characteristics and effects of these mental models are discussed in the evaluation part. It is clear from the detailed readings of the chapter that the author has effectively drawn the conclusion. Therefore, it can be stated that Peter Senge significantly tried to meet his purpose. However, the chapter is lacking some practical and real time examples. It is true that an individual will find it difficult to gather real time and practical examples as the subject highly depends upon imaginary and perception process of an individual. It would be effective for him if he could gather more real time examples regarding group dynamics and organization theory. It would help him to develop an effective insight of study. Argument of Author There are several mental models. The discipline of this mental model starts wit h the turning of inward mirrors. These models help an individual to learn internal pictures of the real world in order to bring them to the practical surface. These mental models also include the significant ability to carry on effective and meaningful conversations in order to maintain an effective balance between advocacy and

Othello and Racism Essay Example for Free

Othello and Racism Essay Held a captive and cannot escape the grips of racism, Othello must battle with this matter from day one till his call of death. Just because his skin tone is unusual from Venice and its citizens, makes Othello an outcast . Although born a black moor, Othello has all the great characteristics a man should have. Being courageous, honorable, intelligent and all the aspects a woman would want in a husband. He grew up to be a venetian military general who has risen to high position of power is viewed in two means. One, since Othello belongs to the military realm he hence deserves the respect and authority any other general should receive. Second view is highly different and because the race role is a huge issue, it essentially eliminates the first way people would view Othello. But this doesn’t stop Desdemona from falling in love with him and making him her husband. The color of Othello’s skin doesn’t bother Desdemona one bit which isn’t the case for the rest of the characters seen throughout the play. Before Othello’s name is even mentioned in the play, racial slurs are being said and the audience is being introduced to how Othello will be treated. In Act I Scene I, Rodrigo and Iago talk about â€Å"the moor†, â€Å"the thick-lips† and â€Å"the old black ram† . Small comments like these slowly bring out the characteristics that multiple characters share in this play. Iago and Rodrigo aren’t the only ones who have a problem with Othello; Desdemona’s father ,Brabantio, is in the same boat with Iago and Rodrigo. Brabantio is a self-important the Venetian Senator whose main priorities are his job and his daughter. If one of these main concerns aren’t necessarily going his way, then there could be a problem. Othello encounters this the hard way unfortunately. Brabantio hears news about how his daughter has gotten married but not to any regular guy, to a moor.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Masculinity In Shakespeare

Masculinity In Shakespeare Masculinity used to be a political question in the times of early modern England. Such expressions as courage-masculine and manly virtue had some peculiar meanings and showed the duty and responsibility to the ideals and values of aggressive Protestantism. Diplomatics, compromise and other ways to settle the conflicts considered to be feminine. William Shakespeare had his own opinion about the militant-Protestant warship of brave masculinity and his view was quite skeptical. Presenting series of various portraits of the menacingly charismatic soldier-hero, Shakespeare made a turn to an unusual kind of leader at the later part of his career of a writer. If the protagonists of the warlike tragedies call up a Herculean model and prototype of manliness, The Tempest draws a portrait of a ruler who uses the arts of culture and civilization in order to return peace to a divided world. The new masculine characters are really developed and not similar to each other in many aspects, but there are strong features which stay common for them. There are several Shakespeares plays receiving close readings, those include Troilus, Cressida, Macbeth, Coriolanus and the plays I am going to investigate in the essay: Henry V, Hamlet and Othello. Masculinity is expressed by various protagonists in the plays. This trait embraces brave and courageous deeds and actions, fearless and undaunted decisions of characters full of fortitude and strength in different situations. Thus, play Hamlet (Shakespeare, Hamlet) reveals courageous character of Hamlet vivid for masculinity traits. The importance lies in the fact that this trait is leading in the decision-making process during the action, the absence of masculinity would change the way characters behaved. The author describes the era when manliness is crucial in peoples lives, it is a kind of a mover. Masculine characters are opposed to less manlike and coward weak features, like Iago in Othello and King Claudius in Hamlet. This contrasting opposition reveals masculinity of other heroes in a brighter way, allowing the audience to realize an overall characteristics of masculinity. Thus it can be supposed that different sides of masculinity (lofty and low-lying traits) not only shows brave characters but also serves as an educative element via influence on the audience with an aim to outline and form an idea of masculinity and its importance in the life. Beyond all doubt, Hamlet is masculine as he is ready to revenge for the murder of his father. But he is also hesitant in some way that appears as his inner conflict within the play. To be, or not to be: that is the question, says Hamlet (Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 3, scene 1) deciding whether to take vengeance on the King or not, though Hamlet defeats this fear in his mind and without any hesitation revenges for his father. The importance of masculinity in Othello is also crucial, as this trait forces the hero (Othello) to commit murder of his beloved wife. It is an interesting fact that this feature is characteristic not only of men but also of women in the plays. Thus Desdemona even after being wounded by her husband was near death but said that she wouldnt reveal the murder, as much she loved her husband. Thus, masculinity is highly important for unwinding of the action and revealing the protagonists way of lives, characters making the plays impressive, persuasive, and worthy of admiration real classic masterpieces in the world literature. Next I would like to compare and contrast in some way three protagonists of the plays: Henry V, Hamlet and Othello. In spite of the fact that a particular number of scenes also do focus on the other characters, Henry straightforwardly initiates almost all of the important actions in the plot, and he is obviously the works hero and protagonist. Another protagonist is Hamlet who has charmed readers and audiences for many years, and the first thing to say about this character is that Hamlet is very enigmatic. Always there is much more about him than all the other heroes of the play can realize. Even the most caring and intelligent readers finish the text with such a feeling that they havent learnt all there is to identify about this particular character. Hamlet notices to other characters that there is way more than the eye can meet for him. And same as Henri Hamlet is the one to initiate the dramatic actions of the story. While he talks, Hamlet sounds as if there was something really important he wouldnt say, probably something that even he himself is not conscious about. Truly the talent to write s uch monologues and dialogues which can create this effect is one of the writers most significant achievements. And Henry is an exceptional figure too; he also possesses not just a degree of intelligence but almost as much of charisma as Hamlet does. Perhaps Henry Vs most noticeable quality is his resolve and firmness: once that he has made a decision to complete a goal, he would use all the resources that are at his disposal in order to see that it is done. He heedfully presents himself as an insurmountable force to which others need actively to choose in what way to react. This strategy may seem morally doubtful on the one hand, but it is a strong masculine feature and really valuable psychological weapon that is used by Henry to suppress his enemies and make them doing that he needs. More and more, Henry acts in such a manner that would be lamentable for a usual citizen but that makes Henri look as an exemplary royalty. As an example, Henry often receives some criticism from the m odern readers for rejecting to take amenability for the war with France. Henri even says the French governor that if the French soldiers do not surrender, they will be answerable for the slaughter that he will then start. Othello is as firm as Henri, but Hamlet is absolutely different kind of hero. He is very philosophical and meditative. That is a new type of a male character created by Shakespeare. And it seems to me that Hamlet differs from Othello and Henri much more than any other of these three. He is drawn to puzzling matters or questions that are not able to get an answer with particular certainty. Hamlet becomes totally obsessed with the idea to prove his relatives fault before starting acting. He is also disturbed by questions about what happens to people after death, about the sense of suicide, about what bodies become after the soul leaves them, etc. But even in spite of the fact that Hamlet is full of thoughts to the degree of obsession, he still behaves impulsively. Wh en the protagonist acts, he does it with unexpected and sudden speed and very little or simply no forethought (when he kills Polonius through the curtain with his sword without taking a short look who was there. It seems important to me, that Hamlet is very melancholy and dissatisfied with many things in his life, such as state of Denmark and the situation in Hamlets own family. Coming back to Henri V, one more outstanding quality that he has is his freedom with language usage. Henrys rhetorical skill seems a very powerful weapon, the force of which is almost the same as his armys power. With his speech, Henry can inspire his followers, terrorize his opponents, and persuade almost any person who listens to him. With Henrys words, William Shakespeare establishes rhetoric which is, just like Henry, at the same time openly frank and very experienced and sophisticated. Othello is of course also able to captivate others with his conversation. The dukes reply to Othellos speech about how he was seeking marriage with Desdemona by using his tales of adventure is: I think this tale would win my daughter too. Othello occasionally presents himself as an outsider and foreigner, may be because he realizes his exotic attractiveness or because he is defensive about his distinction from other citizens of the city. For instance, in spite of his evident oratory in Act I, scen e iii, he does still protest: Rude am I in my speech, / And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace (Shakespeare , Othello 24). Although Othello never behaves as a rude person and never speaks like that, he still allows his elocution to decrease because he gets more and more under the influence of Iagos intrigues. Before the final part of the play, Othello recovers his presence of mind and then captivates both the characters and audience with his strong speech. And I have already mentioned above that Hamlet is a great speaker too just as other two characters. Henry has another very interesting quality for a king: the capability to seem honestly while manipulating the listeners and partners in the conversation. This feature wasnt respected as others before, as it is a quality of a wise diplomat, not a quality of a warrior though. Shakespeare does not give a direct comment on Henrys reasons for invading France, but we may see easily from the kings speeches the weight of his responsibility, so the reader can make a conclusion, that Henry is not moved by the lust for more power or money. Henry simply takes his position in life as a king really seriously, and he has dedicated himself to the fulfilling of those duties of his noble rank. It is seen clearly from Henrys nationalistic speeches that the author has an intention for the audience to see Henry V as a real national hero, or as a great and estimable king as minimum. So as the king is a hero, he is made such a person by his devotion to his duties that seemed above own private emotions for him. Together with his ability of resolution, the adherence makes Henri the emperor he is; in spite of the fact that it sometimes produces very questionable private settlements, it also helps to mitigate the effect of those decisions in our eyes. The same words may also apply to Othello, as his personal decisions were wrong too he murdered his own wife but really his commitment to his principles was much more important for him than his own feelings. As for Hamlet, it looks to me that personal feelings are much more important for him, he is jealous about his mother, misses his father and some of his actions really bring more danger to the country, so I think that duty was less of importance for him in comparison to the other two male characters. Now Id like to pay more attention to Othello, who himself is an embodiment of generous, courageous military leader, beloved husband in a combination with blind deep trustfulness and naivety in his attitude to his friends. These main features are truly masculine and in some way he even can be referred as an ideal man. But his foolish trust makes him do absurd things, crying, giving oath of revenge. Trustfulness is a comic element as such character is weird for the reader. The fact that Othello may be looked at as a comic character sometimes makes him different from Hamlet and Henri, who always look serious to the audience. It is surprising that such a strong-willed, courageous Othello can trust and believe as sincere as a child. Behaving sometimes as a child may be really called one of very masculine features of character, as playing games always stays in male souls deeply in heart. There is a saying that Man is a child by his nature. Open-heartedness and ingenuousness are rare features that in the play lead to tragic consequences a murder. Othello believes Iago unconditionally and after the fight of Cassio and Rodrigo he clarifies details of a fight from an honest Iago (Shakespeare, Othello 45). Othello is confirmed in positive and good-natured character of Iago thus removes Cassio from the post. Every hero in the play believes Iago this contributes to the comic of the drama both Desdemona and Cassio are touched by an advice of kind Iago who is sincerely express sympathy to the bad luck of others. Tragic events in the play are developing impetuously, but comic foolishness and trustfulness make contrast with tragic elements creating an authentic picture of human life when any dramatic event is not devoid of comic features and irony. Iago makes Othello jealous and he cannot resist suspicion, he is immersed in his misery but still blindly believes only Iago who masterly shows insulted honesty, and as a friendly a dvisor, he convinces Othello in unfaithfulness of Desdemona and Othello gives an oath to revenge on the knees. Iago directs behavior of Othello and even makes him faint, convince that his wife is of a frivolous character. Here I want to say that Henri and Hamlet have nothing comic in their characters and stories of lives, especially Hamlet who is a truly tragic in all the situations. In spite of the fact that Othello is seen as a cultural and national outsider in Venice, his authority as a soldier and leader is notwithstanding very valuable and important to the country, and he is an inalienable part of Venetian society. He is in very needed by the duke and other representatives of the government, as an evidence there is Cassios remark that the senate sent about three several quests (Shakespeare, Othello 123) in order to look for Othello. The Venetian senate has enough of confidence about Othello to give him a position of a full war and political commander of Cyprus. This quality may be considered as a classic masculine one and we can make a parallel with Othello here, but talking about Hamlet we definitely see some difference. Hamlet is more of a philosopher and he needs time to make his own decision either to be or not to be. In my opinion it is prominent that the prince and heir who is aware of Denmarks problems can think about those only in individual and phi losophical terms. He doesnt spend much time thinking about the dangers of national security or the threatening to its steadiness from inside (in spite of the fact that some of those were helped to be created by his own indiscretion). On the other hand Othello owes such strong masculine qualities as generousity, courage of military leader and strong soldier, being a great husband. But trustfulness and naivety are the two qualities which may put Othello aside from Hamlet and Henri V. Masculinity plays an important role in Shakespeares plays Henry V, Othello and Hamlet. Masculinity is highly important for unwinding of the action, characters making the plays impressive, persuasive, and worthy of admiration. There can be seen an educative element via influence on the audience with an aim to form the modern concept of masculinity. I have noticed that all three characterized protagonists own great rhetoric talents, are very developed, have a deep sense of honor and duty. Some of personal traits may differ, such as open-heartedness, ingenuousness, decisiveness, philosophical understanding of the world. That creates a new type of masculine heroes, who are not as flat as some of their predecessors. They are really developed and granted with deep inside worlds by the talent of a great English dramatist.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Free College Essays - The Character of Hester Prynne in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Character of Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter      Hester Prynne is a very well recognized character in The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne.   She is a character about whom much has been written such as, Toward Hester Prynn, by David Reynolds, and The Scarlet A, Aboriginal and Awesome, by Kristin Herzog.   Reynold's essay dealt with Hester as a heroine, who is an artistic combination of disparate female types.   Herzog's essay dealt with the idea that Hester is both wild and passionate, as well as, caring, conservative, and alien.    Towards Hester Prynne, by David Reynolds, expressed Hester as a heroine composed of many different stereotypes of females from the time period Hawthorne was writing.   Hawthorne created some of the most skeptical and politically uncommitted characters in pre-civil war history.   Reynolds went on to say, His [Hawthorne's] career illustrates the success of an especially responsive author in gathering together disparate female types and recombining them artistically so that they become crucial elements of the rhetorical and artistic construct of his fiction (Reynolds 179). Hawthorne used ironies of fallen women and female criminals to achieve the perfect combination of different types of heroines. His heroines are equipped to expel wrongs against their sex bringing about an awareness of both the rights and wrongs of women.   Hester is a compound of many popular stereotypes rich in the thoughts of the time ...portrayed as a fallen woman whose honest sinfulness is found preferable to the future corruption of the reverend (Reynolds 183).   Hester was described by Reynolds as a feminist criminal bound in an iron link of mutual crime (Reynolds 183).   According to Reynolds, Hawthorne was trying to have his culture's darkest stereotypes absorbed into the character of Hester and rescue them from noisy politics by reinterpreting them in Puritan terms and fusing them with the moral exemplar.    Kristin Herzog had a somewhat different view of Hester in The Scarlet A, Aboriginal and Awesome.   She described Hester as both wild and passionate, and caring, conservative, and alien.   Herzog stated that The Scarlet Letter is a story set at the rough edge of civilization.   Hester is as much an outcast as any Quaker in the Puritan colony and she takes the colony's abuse laid upon her with a Quaker's dignity.   Herzog described Hester's Aboriginal characteristics as caring and conservative.   This aspect of Hester's femininity is not the only trait, however, which

Monday, August 19, 2019

Working Women, the Government, and Politics Essay -- Political Science

Working Women, the Government, and Politics Working women in America are in a difficult and complex state. Women in the workforce are encouraged to compete "like men," which conflicts with the demand for their time during "the second shift". Complete dedication is expected both in the workplace and in the home, and little support is provided by the opposite sex and the government. If the government acquired a larger responsibility for working families, it could implement several policies that have already proven to alleviate the burden on working women and promote gender equality in other industrialized nations. In recent decades, there has been a visible influx of women in the workforce-many of whom are also mothers. In 1975, forty-seven percent of all American mothers with children under the age eighteen worked for pay, and by the year 2000, this number climbed to seventy-three percent. However, the largest jump in employment occurred in women with very small children; in 1975 thirty-four percent of mothers with children age three and under were employed outside the home, and in 2000, this rate grew to sixty-one percent (Hochschild, XXIV). This growth in numbers can be explained by several factors, but the most substantial is that, in most families, a wife's salary is no longer an option. Even though women may be sharing the financial burden with their spouses, men have not taken the same steps to share the domestic burden with their partners. This is what accounts for a women's "second shift." Women are expected to fulfill the demands of work and home on their own time. The household chores take a toll on working women with or without children. The hours married women spend performing domestic tasks, hours most men ... ... such policies, women cannot pursue their right to earn a living in the same way a man could. Earning a living is not a "benefit," equal opportunity for employment is not a "benefit"- but a "right." In our capitalist culture, "the one right of paramount importance to all human beings" is the right to earn a living, and in accordance with the law, any obstruction to a fundamental right must be remedied by the government (Woolf, 101). Works Cited Blair-Loy, Mary. Competing Devotions: Career and Family among Women Executives. (Massachusetts: Harvard UP) 2003. Gornick, Janet C. and Marcia K. Meyers. Families That Work: Policies for Reconciling Parenthood and Employment. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation) 2003. Hochschild Russell, Arlie. The Second Shift. (New York: Penguin Group) 2003. Woolf, Virginia. Three Guineas. (New York: Harcourt, Inc.) 1938.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Importance of Diversity in Education Essay -- Diversity in Educati

I worked within an Independent School System for 10 years. As I contemplated the idea of working towards my Master’s in Education I brought with me the idea of diversity in education and why facilitating different school systems is vital to a healthy society. â€Å"Not every youngster gets along well in the public school system.† (Cunningham, 171) said Pat McGeer of the Ministry of Education publication Education Today. This very statement was a cry from thousands of families throughout the province of British Columbia in the 1960s. (Sullivan, 1988) My argument for this paper is that for governments to be ethical and moral agents they must hear the voices of their constituents, even if they are a few; and then respond equitably and with fairness. This equity and fairness includes policies ensuring their legitimacy and funding to facilitate their diversity. This idea then led me to the whole debate of whether parents should have the choice between public and inde pendent education. This debate primarily came into existence with â€Å"The Independent Schools Support Act in 1977† (Sullivan, 1988); although historically the idea of funding two systems can be â€Å"traced as far back as the colonial era of British Columbia†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Sullivan, 1988). For the purpose of this essay, I want to explore how government’s equitable treatment of constituents lends itself to â€Å"good† government. From my perspective, the growth of the Independent School system has come out of the willingness by government to recognize and provide funding, thus giving parents the choice. â€Å"Accessibility and choice† (Sullivan, 1988) in education are interconnected and without either one, schools struggle to remain a viable option. It wasn’t until the Royal Commission in 1987 th... ...rt K. (1977). Servant Leadership. In Larry C. Spears & Robert K. Greenleaf (Eds.) (25th Anniversary Ed.) Servant Leadership: A Journey Into The Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness (87-95). New York: Paulist Press. Maxwell, John C. (1993). Developing The Leader Within You. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. Saul, John Ralston. (2008). A Fair Country: Telling Truths About Canada. New York: Penguin Group. Sullivan, Barty M. (1988). Royal Commission – Extract on Independent Schools. Federation of Independent School Associations. 8.C.2. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Yukl, Gary. (2010). Leadership in Organizations (7th Ed.) New Jersey: Prentice Hall. (2001, January). A Luxury the People of BC Cannot Afford: A CUPE BC Backgrounder on Independent Schools. (2007, September 17) Ontario Votes 2007. Faith-based schools.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Introduction to the Rajputs Essay

A Rajput is a member of one of the landowning patrilineal clans of central and northern India. Rajputs consider themselves descendants of one of the major ruling warrior groups of the Hindu Kshatriya varna ( social order ) in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India. The Rajputs rose to prominence during the 6th to 12th centuries, and until the 20th century Rajputs ruled in the â€Å"overwhelming majority† of the princely states of Rajasthan and Saurashtra, where the largest number of princely states were found. They are divided into three major lineages. The Rajput empire spread in many countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Southeast Asia and some parts of Tibet. The four Agnivanshi clans namely the Pariharas (Pratihara), Solankis (Chalukya dynasty) Paramaras and Chahamanas rose to prominence first, establishing territories and creating kingdoms. The Rajputs were mainly feudal lords under the over-lordship of the rulers belonging to Pratiharas à ¢â‚¬â€œ a dynasty that ruled until the 10th century. Gradually, they attained the status of independent rulers. Their dominion spread over most parts of north India. In the north-west region known as Rajputana, which comprises the present day Rajasthan and parts of Pakistan. The Rajput community comprised of the Chauhans of East Punjab, Northern Rajasthan and Delhi, the Rathores of Uttar Pradesh, the Paramaras of Central India and the Tomars of Gwalior and later, Delhi. Of these the Chauhans and the Rathores were dominant clans. The Rajput though brave and chivalrous often succumbed to inter-clan rivalries, which proved advantageous for the Muslim rulers during the medieval period. The Rajputs being a dominant Hindu clan offered heavy resistance to the Muslim rulers who spread their rule over India during the medieval period. The Rajput princes maintained their own independent princely kingdoms. Some of the brave Rajput rulers who have been made their names eternal in Indian history are Prithviraj Chauhan, Rana Kumbha, Rana Sangram Singh, Rana Udai Singh and Maharana Pratap. Prithviraj Chauhan proved to be the last Rajput ruler of Delhi. The Chauhans, led by Govinda, grandson of Prithviraj, later established a small state centered around Rathambore in present-day Rajasthan. The Rajput lifestyle was designed to foster a martial spirit, with men even forging a bond with their sword. The double-edged scimitar known as the khanda was a popular weapon among the Rajputs of that era. On special occasions, primary chief would break up a meeting of his vassal chiefs with khanda nariyal, the distribution of daggers and coconuts. Many Rajputs are nostalgic about their past and keenly conscious of their genealogy, emphasizing a Rajput ethos that is martial in spirit, with a fierce pride in lineage and tradition. The Rajput rulers had a keen sense of beauty in art and architecture which is seen in the artistic excellence of their temples, forts and palaces. The Indo-Aryan style of architecture developed in North India and Upper Deccan and the Dravidian style in South India during the Rajput period. Both sculpture and architecture attained a high degree of excellence. e.g. The Rathas of Mahabalipuram or Mammallapuram, the Kailash temple at Ellora and the sculpture of Elephanta belonging to the early Rajput period ( 600 Ad to 900 AD ) The temple architecture of Orissa, Khajuraho, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and the Pallava, Chola and Hoysala temples in the South belong to the later Rajput period. ( 900 AD to 1200 AD )

Friday, August 16, 2019

Mechanical Ventilation

mechanical ventilation is a method to mechanically assist or replace spontaneous breathing. Mechanical ventilation,is typically used after an invasive intubation, a procedure wherein an endotracheal or tracheostomy tube is inserted into the airway. It is used in acute settings such as in the ICU for a short period of time during a serious illness. It may be used at home or in a nursing or rehabilitation institution if patients have chronic illnesses that require long-term ventilation assistance. The main form of mechanical ventilation is positive pressure ventilation, which works by increasing the pressure in the patient's airway and thus forcing air into the lungs. Less common today are negative pressure ventilators (for example, the â€Å"iron lung†) that create a negative pressure environment around the patient's chest, thus sucking air into the lungs. Mechanical ventilation is often a life-saving intervention, but carries many potential complications including pneumothorax, airway injury, alveolar damage, and ventilator-associated pneumonia. citation needed] For this reason the pressure and volume of gas used is strictly controlled, and reduced as soon as possible. ( [pic]intubation refers to the placement of a tube into an external or internal ifice of the body. Although the term can refer to endoscopic procedures, it is most often used to denote tracheal intubation. Tracheal intubation is the placement of a flexible plastic tube into the trachea to protect the p atient's airway and provide a means of mechanical ventilation. The most common tracheal intubation is orotracheal intubation where, with the assistance of a laryngoscope, an endotracheal tube is passed through the mouth, larynx, and vocal cords, into the trachea. A bulb is then inflated near the distal tip of the tube to help secure it in place and protect the airway from blood, vomit, and secretions. Another possibility is nasotracheal intubation where a tube is passed through the nose, larynx, vocal cords, and trachea. Extubation is the removal of the tube. Endotracheal tube inserted [pic]

Technology Influence

TECHNOLOGY INFLUENCE At every stage of the production process there is the potential for technology to be applied to improve efficiency and quality, such as using machines to make manufacturing more accurate. Some form of technology is used in operations to make every good, so changes in technology have a big impact on transformation processes, affecting the mix of inputs, as well as creating new opportunities for outputs. Technology also has an important impact on operations management because electronic systems can be used to better plan, monitor, control, and manage the operations process.For example, technology can be used to design products and sequence production tasks more efficiently. Technological impacts on inputs Many forms of technology are used as inputs in the production process, such as microchips, synthetic materials, and machinery. These technologies can often be substituted for other resources. For example, synthetic products can replace raw materials, and machines can do the work of humans. As technology advances and becomes cheaper, more reliable, and easier to use, these kinds of substitutions become more likely.The replacement of humans by machines (called ‘automation') is a particularly big issue as labour accounts for about 60% of all production costs. Machines can often be much cheaper than people. New technology can often be expensive to adopt, so a business might feel pressured by the market to make the change (for instance, because new technology is perceived as fashionable or higher quality), but be reluctant to do so because of cash f low problems or doubt about long-term benefits.Also, there can sometimes be initial problems and bugs with new technology, and workers may have to learn new skills to be able to use technology properly. Technological impacts on the types of outputs New technology presents wonderful opportunities for businesses to make new kinds of products and old products with new features. Improvements in elec tronic and computing technology, for example, allowed the development of smartphones and mp3 players. It also allows innovations that were previously unheard of (such as white bread fortified with calcium).These opportunities affect business strategies, which affects operations management, which may have to adapt to produce new products. If businesses are behind the technological curve, operations management may need to play a game of ‘catch up' to keep up with technological innovations. For example, as technological change allowed mp3 players to flourish, operations managers in companies stuck making old-fashioned CD players had to learn to make the new kind of music player. ? Technological impact on the quantity of outputsTechnological change may allow the business to increase its efficiency, allowing it to make more products than it could previously. For example, a human might be able to make three handbags each hour. A new machine might be able to make 30 or 300 in an hour , and could potentially operate around the clock, whereas humans can only work limited hours. Similarly, electronic records mean doctors can access patients' medical histories more quickly and therefore allow potentially faster diagnoses, so they can see more patients in a day.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Chinas Pollution Essay

When people think about China the main thing that comes to mind is its wonderful scenery and growing economy. China has been catching up to the rest of the world by industrializing. According to the organization for economic corporation department (OECD) â€Å" Chinas Economy will overtake the U.S. as the biggest in the world by 2016†. However there are many concerns leading up to Chinas success. In the middle of China’s extraordinary economic growth and industrial growth, the energy outputs to supporting this growth has resulted in an all time high in pollution. This growth has caused China to be the most polluted country in the world. Many parts of China are suffering from water and air pollution due to coal mining and the dumping of toxic wastes. The question we ask today is what has the government done to tackle the pollution issue? Pollution in China has been a major problem for years, dating all the way back to the Mao Zedong and the Industrial Revolution. The government was so preoccupied with the growing agriculture they overlooked the situation. However with angry citizens and protesters they tried implementing different ways to protect the environment. Environmental officials finally took action, creating different laws to improve the air quality and regulate the water. Chinas economy is on a historic run relying on resources such as coal and water for their development. However Chinas increasingly polluted environment is largely due to the country’s hurried industry development causing large increase in energy consumption. This pollution problem has left a deadly impact on the people in China. Air pollution is so bad that in some parts citizens cant see the sun but because of the smoke and fog. The World Health Organization has estimated that this air pollution is responsible for 300,000 premature deaths annually. Those staggering numbers are a major problem that needs to be regulated. Chinese cities are covered in lethal cloak, which leads to water and air contamination. Nearly 500 million Chinese citizens lack the access to unsafe drinking water and 1 percent out of the 560 million breath safe air. China is thriving because of its expanding industry however by using resources such as coal. Coal is a useful resource however it is a very dir ty source and contaminates the air when burned. The industrial industry is allowing China to flourish economically but at the same time leaving a drastic impact on the people.  One of Chinas leading environmental researchers, Wang Jinnan, announced â€Å" It is a very awkward situation for the country because our greatest achievement is also our biggest burden†. This explains how resources such as coal contribute to the growing industry but also has deadly effects on the people. Chinas economy is on a historic run but is it worth putting peoples lives in jeopardy? China’s reliance on coal has an effect on the air quality. It is said that China burns more coal then the U.S., Europe and Japan combined. The sulfur dioxide that is emitted from the coal and fuel can affect breathing, cause respiratory illnesses and lung diseases. An unpublicized report done by the Chinese academy of Environmentalist planning said in estimate that yearly premature deaths attributed from outdoor pollution is on track to reach 550,000 in 2 020. This alarming statistic has China’s people worrying and curious to see what the government is up to. Air pollution not only affected the people but also the water, produce and other resources. The lack of fresh water in China evolves around the contamination of the Water due to illegal littering. In different regions in China factories and farms dump waste into the surface water. Chinas environmentalist monitors say â€Å" One- third of all river, and vast sections of Chinas great lakes†¦ have water rated grade v, the most degrading level†. As a result of this contaminated water China has the highest liver and stomach cancer deaths in the world. Water pollution is a complicated part of Chinas problem and is hard to be prevented. As a result of the dumping of wastes into main rivers and lakes many Chinese citizens don’t have fresh water to drink. Leaving many people thirsty is not a problem government official’s want for their country. In Liangqiao, a small village in China, citizens blame the Mining Corporation for the dumping of chemicals into tributaries in the Laza River. This creates for a shortage of drinking water and untenable for agricultural use. A professor in South China’s agricultural University says, â€Å" The mining company’s waste flows directly into the Laza River which runs into the Pearl River, a major source of drinking water for 12 million residents of Guangzhou city,† This is a horrific problem and the government needs to react now before it gets worse. Riots broke out in a Xinchang, city in China, over the environmental degradation. Citizens are angry at the lack of government initiative in the pollution and took matters into there own hands. One outraged villager  explained, â€Å" Our fields won’t produce grain anymore†¦we don’t dare to eat food grown from anywhere near here†. The agriculture is declining, leaving farmers with a scarce amount of good. Government officials were overlooking this problem in order to keep the economy growing. In just 30 years china has made an extraordinary development economically and with the governments help China can thrive even further by implementing environmental regulations for the people. Over the years, government officials implemented ways to help the pollution problem as well as maintaining economic development. Alarmed by the repercussions of industrialization and urbanization, Chinas environmental agencies are working on imputing laws to regulate the pollution. One of the first improvements made was the removal of lead, which was beneficial to Hong Kong by reducing their mortality rate. Recognizing the problem Chinese leaders such as Deng Xiaoping and Prime Minister Jiaboa are speaking out, telling the people about different environmental protection laws. Although there are many objectives set forth by the government to fix this pollution problem, no real noticeable actions have taken effect. The Chinese Government is more worried about the economy then the people. The most determined effort control china’s fast industrial growth was the project known as the â€Å" Green G.D.P.†, â€Å"which was an effort to create an environmental yardstick for evaluating the performance of every official in China. It recalculated the gross domestic product to reflect the cost of pollution†. This was an effort to regulate the financial loss that pollution had on the economy. However the government pulled out of the project in 2007. The Chinese government saw that the financial and economic issues that resulted from the G.D.P. such as the struggles realizing that any attempt to prevent pollution would hinder it economically. The frightened idea to interrupt China’s growing economy is a reason why China still has pollution today. In attempts to stick to their original goals to prevent pollution, China began to make continuous efforts. In Linfen, China, known as the heaviest polluted city in the word, officials have set up laws to help clean up the region. The Xiangfen County Environmental Protection Bureau announced that seven factories will close due to their environmental harm. Chinese environmentalist Yang spoke out about the factories saying,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"If they fail to meet the (pollution) goals in the first year, their superiors will raise the topic; in the second year, they will receive a formal warning; in the third year, they will be removed from post.† By threatening the closing down of factories, results in a greater up keep among factories. The only problem that would result in closing down these factories is unemployment; however, the health of the people is more important. In 2011, Toyota Motor announced that they would be making low-emission cars in China. China has the biggest market of cars and creating an environmentally safe way to market a car is upright. Further-more, in recent years, China’s attempts to help the environment have been successful and hasn’t prevented economic progression. In the City of Lizhou, the environmental conditions were horrid because of the rapid industrialization and urbanization. However, by implementing the improvement in clean water, the citizens have benefited greatly. The Lizhou Environmental Management Project set forth to invest in sewage networks, wastewater treatment plants, and waste collection stations. As a result of the advancement, wastewater treatment in the City has increased from 15 percent in 2005 to over 75 percent in 2011. The project was designed to provide clean water for poor urban areas in China. This is a stepping-stone for China and can hopefully lead to more change. China’s industry development dates all the way back to the Great Leap Forward when Mao’s goal was to increase agricultural output; with All things considered, the communist government has acknowledged the major pollution problem in the country but is slow in terminating it. It needs to stop worrying so much about the growing economy and think more about the health of its people, an issue that stems from the pollution problem in china. As the environmental situation declines, China will not only become a healthier, more appealing place to live, but also raise funding through tourism and environmental technology, garnering the economical gains that the government strives to get.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Mariachi Music Research Paper Essay

Mariachi music originated in Jalisco, Mexico. It is said it began in the town of Cocula. It is a version of theatrical orchestra, it includes violins, harp and guitars which developed in and around Jalisco. It began in the 19th century, and is still popular today. The Violin is apart of a Mariachi ensemble, it is a string instrument. It is 4 stringed and the smallest, highest-pitched member of the string family. The purpose of the violin in mariachi music is to complement trumpet melodies. The most important element of this style of playing to use the entire bow. The Vihuela also plays a major role in a Mariachi ensemble. The Vihuela is an instrument that is basically two different guitars ring instruments. The one played in the Mariachi band is from the 19th century. It has 5 strings and originated from Mexico. There is another one from the 15th and 16th century, that one originated in Spain. That specific Vihuela typically had 12 strings. The Guitarron is a very large, deep bodied Mexican 6- string acoustic bass. It is similar to the guitar developed from the 16th century. The Guitarron is typically played by doubling notes by octave. The Guitarron is used to keep the beat and other instruments together. The trumpet is apart of the brass family, it has the highest register out of all the other instruments. It is played by blowing air threw closed lips. The trumpet replaced the cornet in the mariachi band, now there is usually two trumpets in a mariachi band. The trumpet combination in mariachi was popularized in the 1950s. There are many characteristics to mariachi bands. The forms found in mariachi music are, the most important element of the style. Mariachi song forms (such as the bolero, cancià ³n ranchera, son, huapango, joropo, and danzà ³n) are always the rhythmic patterns that are performed by the guitar section of the group. There is also singing involved in mariachi music. For example, the â€Å"grito mexicano†, a yell that is done at musical interludes during a song, either by the musicians and the listening audience. Like of that would be the mariachi players singing â€Å"AY YA YAY YA!†

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Present your argument evaluation and counterargument Essay

Present your argument evaluation and counterargument - Essay Example s, the factors which forms and orients a intelligence includes heredity or genetic or natural factors, which will be imbued when the child is born, and the other being environmental or nurturing factors, which can tune the child as he/she grows up. One argument is that heredity or genetics ‘naturally’ establishes the basic foundation of ones intelligence particularly the physical aspects needed for intelligence and then will function as the â€Å"blueprint† for the further development of the individual’s intelligence. However, the counter-argument is that the environmental or nurturing factors such as cultural, social, situational, and many more factors mainly influences the child’s development and the evolution of intelligence. So, focusing on this Nature vs. Nurture debate, the discussion will be about how nurture plays the crucial role in developing and orienting intelligence than nature. Hereditary or the genetic transmission of certain physical characteristics from the parents determines the physical part of an individual’s intelligence and thereby personality. That is, as the child is born, it will inherit the physical components needed for intelligence especially brain as well as other genetic materials which will be exhibited in the DNA of the offspring. So, just as the child will inherit certain physical features like eyes, color, height, hair, and others, the child could also inherit the genetic materials, which have made their parents or even their ancestors intelligent. This focus on nature being the reason for intelligence was first started in the late 1800’s, coinciding and consistent with the scientific discoveries made by Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin regarding the role of inheritance as well as natural selection. The first prominent contributor for this psychological perspective was Francis Galton, who in his book "Hereditary Genius: It s Laws and Consequences† focused on how intelligent and talented individuals naturally tend to

Monday, August 12, 2019

Future of Natural Gas in the Mediterranean Basin Essay

Future of Natural Gas in the Mediterranean Basin - Essay Example Shale gas is obtained from shale, a sedimentary rock, and in the past decade has become an important source of natural gas in the United States and Canada. North Africa possesses massive oil and gas reserves, viewed as strategically vital because of their proximity to European consumers across the Mediterranean Sea. "In terms of natural gas reserves, Algeria, Libya and Egypt contain the majority of the regional resource, except that Algeria is the main site of the reserves. Algeria is the eighth largest country worldwide in terms of proven gas reserves. Algeria possesses the majority of the gas resource at around 159 trillion ft3, followed by Egypt with 58.5 trillion ft3and Libya at 54.38 trillion ft3. Proved gas reserves have grown significantly over the past decade, with the most significant new finds in Egypt. Egypt joined the ranks of LNG exporters in 2005" (Yamaguchi, 2009) These African countries have an edge over their Russian counterparts in terms of supplies of gas to these southern European countries. The Russian companies are far away from southern European countries as compared to these African countries. In future the supply from these African countries will continue to cater to the demand of the Mediterranean region. These African countries are also encouraging foreign investments in this sector. With demand in the southern European countries rising each year, more and more European companies are entering into collaborations with the North African companies in all the segments including upstream, midstream and downstream. With these investments, new gas field are being found, more pipelines are being constructed in the Mediterranean region. On combustion, natural gas produces less harmful gases as compared to the petroleum products. For this reason, the future demand for natural gas is increasing with every passing year. In the Mediterranean region as well, this demand is expected to grow in the coming years. Europe does not have reserves which can cater to its 100% demand. Hence southern European countries are dependent on North African countries for their gas requirement. In the last decade, shale gas has become an increasingly important source of natural gas in the United States and Canada. There are speculations that shale gas may be present in other parts of the world as well. Very recently, the United States has also offered to help other nations in determining whether they have natural gas resources trapped in shale rock. This is a good move from the Government of the United States but the whole process of finding out reserves, taking out gas from shale rocks, bringing this to market; all this will take time. The countries around the world are looking at this shale gas with suspect eyes because of the technology required to extract gas from rocks. Solar energy is increasingly becoming a big source of energy supply to the ever increasing demand for energy in the European countries. North African countries have huge deserted lands where huge solar plants can be installed and energy could be supplied to Mediterranean region. But the question is, is this feasible enough It has been proved that solar power is much costlier than the power

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Empire Building in Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Empire Building in Africa - Research Paper Example Many of the European Nations developed an interest in Africa due to various reasons. First, in the wake of industrial revolution, these nations realized that they required extra raw materials to use in their newly established industries. In addition, these European nations required new markets for their manufactured goods, which stirred up competition for Africa. Due to this, many European nations or colonial powers confiscated large segments of Africa and established empires (, 2008). In addition to need for markets and raw materials, the European nations also wanted to acquire power and reputation. In this regard, these nations competed for a larger control of Africa. The nations thought that they would be more powerful and would have more reputation if they control and rule over a large territory. The combination of these factors led for the scramble for Africa and eventually the establishment of colonial rule in the continent (Lloyd, 2009). Before the 19th century, the whole world regarded Africa as the Dark Continent. This is because a part from the inhabitants of Africa, the rest of the world did not know anything concerning this continent. The first contact between the Europeans and Africans was through trade, which gradually begun between the Europeans and African traders in the coast of Africa. Conversely, since this trade occurred at the coast, the Europeans were interested with the interior of Africa, and some started to explore this continent in the early 19th century. The first European explorers in Africa were the missionaries who had the sole purpose of spreading the gospel to Africans as well as to eliminate slave trade. These missionaries deemed that slave trade was poisonous and had negative consequences to most African poor (Nosotro, 2010). As the Europeans endeavored to explore Africa’s interior, they encountered a problem. They could not travel in to the interior in large numbers due to inconveniences

Website plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Website plan - Essay Example In fact, e-commerce is believed to the most important and attractive internet supported ideas appeared in the recent times. In this scenario, electronic commerce engages carrying out business over the web with the help of computers that are connected to each other in order to form a network. In simple words, ecommerce deals with selling and buying products and services and transferring funds by making use of digital communications (EcommerceEducation, 2007; Hendershot, 2013). In addition, both the trends e-commerce and e-business are used interchangeably. However, e-business is about the development of businesses which can be run on the Internet, or using Internet systems and technologies to enhance the profitability or productivity of a company. In other words, this term can be employed to explain some structure of electronic business: that is to say, a business that makes use of a computer. This practice is somewhat out-of-date, though, and in most of the cases e-business refers completely to an Internet based business. In this scenario, the most frequent use of this term is for demonstrating a business which offers and sells products and services online, an e-business allows a firm to get access to a huge customer base than some customary brick-and-mortar store could ever expect for. Additionally, e-commerce is believed to be a significant component of e-business. Moreover, e-business can as well make use of the Internet to obtain wholesale products o r supplies intended for in-house manufacturing. This side of e-business is occasionally recognized as online or e-procurement, as well as provides the businesses an excellent opportunity to reduce their costs radically. However, the majority of e-businesses that work without an electronic business platform at the present utilize e-procurement as a key mechanism to effectively track and run their purchasing (McGuigan, 2013). This report

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Civil Right Act of 1964 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Civil Right Act of 1964 - Research Paper Example 1. The first reason is the employer changing the terms of employment contract like the cases of deliberate cuts in payment, status or working hours 2. The second ground of a constructive discharge claim requires the breaching of contract by the employer in the form of bullying or ignoring complaints. 3. The third ground is the breaching of such rules which results to inequitable industrial practice. According to the constructive discharge act an individual is a prospective claimant of constructive discharge if the individual gives notice to the employer due to the reason of insufferable stressful and unpleasant work situation or due to the inequitable treatment met to the individual by the superiors or a co worker. When an employee resigns under such circumstances it is not considered by the law as a free will resignation but it is considered that the employer forcibly coerced the employee into resigning from the job. Here the employee files a case for constructive discharge because there is disagreement and clash of opinions. The conclusion that is reached by the erstwhile employee and complainant is that he/she has been forced to work on religious holy days, ans the working days have changed from former 5 day week to seven day week that working under this kind of environment is a type of harassment meted out by the company’s owners. According to the UK Equal Pay act of 1970 the law states that it is unlawful if discrimination in an organization occurs on the basis of remuneration or benefits that are provided to men and women employees. The act of Equal Pay of 1970 comes under the Act of Equal Opportunities Mr CEO Sir, in this case scenario it is seen that during third week as the elementary division manager, the company attorney notifies that a former employee has filed a case against the company under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, constructive discharge, after changes have been instituted in the work schedule. The employee, who quit afte r the policy change took effect, is alleging that the enforcement of the company’s new policy on shift work is discriminatory because the policy requires employees to work on a religious holy day. In the past, production employees worked Monday through Friday. As a result of company growth, the production schedule was changed at the beginning of the New Year, requiring employees to work 12-hour shifts with four days at work and then after working four days is given our days off. Now, the four work days can occur any day of the week, Mondays through Sundays. The entire production staff is required to work this rotating shift. However, office staff members, work between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. This changed work schedule does not meet the approval of the said complainant as now he/she would even have to work on Sundays if part of 4 day working schedule. She claims this new policy as discriminatory and intending to place curbs or restrictions on employee holiday on a Sunday. . â€Å"